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qrwho is a graphical frontend for rwho/rwhod based on Qt.

written by: Axel Böger

qrwho has a very simple user interface and can be used to show the users currently logged in and the average loads of the hosts in the network.

User Dialog
User window from qrwho. It shows the users logged in and the according hosts.
Host Dialog
Host window from qrwho. It shows a list of active hosts and their actual load.


The usage is very simple, a left mouse click forces an update (by default the display is updated every minute) and a right mouse click opens a popup menu with some configuration and information menu items.

qrwho creates a file named $HOME/.qrwho, which stores the preferences.

Command line options:

qrwho has no special command line options, only the options provided by Qt (these are informations from the QApplication-documentation):

Qt debugging options (not available if Qt was compiled with the NO_DEBUG flag defined):

All Qt programs automatically support the following command line options:

The X11 version of Qt also supports some traditional X11 command line options:


To build this program, you will need:
qt-2.x: or qt-3.x:
Qt 2.x (the actual version of qrwho is compiled with qt-2.3.1)
tmake 1.7 (a cross-platform Makefile tool for Qt based programs)
Qt 3.x (the actual version of qrwho is compiled with qt-3.0.0)
qmake (is included in the qt-3.0.0 distribution)
Qt-x can be found at www.trolltech.com/developer
and the necessary tmake tool von qt-2.x at www.trolltech.com/developer/download/tmake.html

Compilation and Installation:

qt-2.x: qt-3.x:
For building qrwho with Qt-2.x, the adequate paths and environment variables should be set, i.e. QTDIR, TMAKEPATH and the PATH-variable. See the installation documentation for Qt-2.x and tmake. For building qrwho with Qt-3.x, the adequate paths and environment variables should be set, i.e. QTDIR, QMAKESPEC and the PATH-variable. See the installation documentation for Qt-3.x and qmake.
And finally:

You can build two versions of qrwho, a development and a final version.
For the development version type
and for the final version type
    make release

This will build the qrwho program.

Currently this program has been tested on Linux and Solaris 2.5.

Mailinglist and CVS

Mailinglist for qrwho.


Have fun with qrwho,

Last modified: 21.11.2001 by Axel Böger